Learn Natural Easy Ways To Tighten Face Skin

Author: Ingrid Palmer
Fashion magazines are full of ads encouraging people to try chemical peels and face lifts to reduce the signs of aging. Surgery and other invasive techniques may appear to be quick and easy, but it is better to explore natural ways to tighten face skin before resorting to these more drastic measures. Some people combine more than one natural treatment to successfully tighten facial and neck skin.

Face Masks
Natural ingredients make effective face masks. Lie down, apply one shredded cucumber to the face and let it set fifteen minutes. Rinse with warm water.
Make a solution of honey, a quarter up of cold milk and lemon juice. Apply the solution to the face, let it set thirty minutes and rinse with water.
Another good face mask recipe combine one tablespoon each of carrot juice and grapefruit juice mixed with equal parts yogurt and ground rice. Apply the paste to the neck and face. Rinse with warm water after forty minutes.
Massage and Exercise
- A daily 15-minute massage with the fingertips stimulates blood circulation to the facial muscles.
- To firm up neck skin, place the fingertips on the skin near the collarbone and tilt the head forward, back and side to side. Repeat several times per session.
Eat a Healthy Diet
Omega-3 fatty acids stimulate healthy cell growth and tighten up the skin. Foods that are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids include avocados, fish and olive oil. Shea butter and vitamin applied directly to the neck and face will make the skin stronger and firmer.
Other Home Remedies that Tighten Facial Skin
People with normal or dry skin should apply a mixture of mashed banana, vitamin E gel, and whipping cream. Let s it sit for twenty minutes and rinse with warm water. A lemon mask is effective for oily skin. Combine one egg white, one tablespoon of witch hazel, four tablespoons of powdered milk and five tablespoons of lemon. Apply the mixture and rinse off with warm water after fifteen minutes. Some people use hemorrhoid cream to reduce inflammation around the eyes and reduce the appearance of wrinkles and lines.
Natural Skin Tighten Cream
Find a natural skin tightening cream that contains ingredients which will help your body produce a high level of collaen and elastin which is sure to work effectively in tightening your facial skin. One particular ingredient that works wonder is Xtend TK since it has many anti aging and tightening properties.
Look for Xtend TK and natural oils such as grapeseed and jojoba if you truly want to tighten face skin without having to opt for risky cosmetic surgery.
Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/skin-care-articles/learn-natural-easy-ways-to-tighten-face-skin-5606025.html
About the Author
Here is my last tip to you, to find the best skin tightening cream that works effectively visit my website where you will learn everything about how it works and the ingredients that makes it so amazing.

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