How You Can Get Rid Of Raccoon Eyes

Author: Alison Graham
Men and women of all ages get these dark circles for a variety of reasons. Sometimes the cause is biological, caused by dark skin pigments of molecules of Hemosiderine from blood cells. Because the skin of the under eye area is so delicate, tiny blood vessels beneath the skin can be ruptured by rubbing or this can even happen spontaneously if the eyes are already irritated due to allergies or other reasons. If the blood vessels rupture, these molecules containing iron that gives them the dark appearance get released into the underneath layer of skin and because this is so thin, show through and can be seen from the outside. Unless you can find the cause, this is tricky to deal with as the pigmentation builds up more quickly than it is absorbed, so the condition worsens.

Allergies can also be the culprit when it comes to dark circles. They are indirectly responsible because if we have sore, irritated eyes, we rub them to try to alleviate the problem. Unfortunately this causes blood vessels to rupture beneath the skin, leading to the problem mentioned above. Sinus problems can also result from allergies and this can cause pain, poor drainage of tears and puffy eyes. If you feel that sinus problems are the root cause of your dark circles, it would be beneficial to get some expert medical advice. There are surgical treatments that can remedy the cause and if this is the case for you, you could rid yourself of the problem for good!
On the subject of surgery, a cosmetic procedure known as Blepharoplasty is one which has become very popular. Fatty deposits are laid down under the skin as a result of long term problems with allergies and sinus trouble – or even just your genetic makeup making you predisposed to this problem. Blepharoplasty to remove these fatty deposits will go a long way to improving the look of the whole eye area. However, dark circles will not disappear overnight, it will take a while for your eyes to recover from the procedure and for you to see the full benefits.

Unfortunately, as mentioned at the beginning of this article, there is not a ‘magic bullet' to cure these dark circles known as raccoon eyes. But simple home remedies, trying to get to the root cause of allergies and sinus problems and choosing a really good concealer (and learning how to apply concealer properly) will go a long way to making you look and feel better.
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About the Author
Author Alison Graham invites you to visit her site Under-Eye Circles where you will find answers to your questions about circles under eyes as well as the opportunity to browse reviews of effective products like pure caffeine eye cream which are proven to be effective on dark circles around the eyes. If you have suffered with the problem known as 'raccoon eyes', head over to the site today and get the help you deserve to start looking and feeling better!

Un comentariu:

  1. great post on how you can get rid of raccoon eyes! I also have dark circles under my eyes and I really want to reduce them! I'm thinking to try a blepharoplasty Toronto procedure as soon as possible. I hope this method will work for me!


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